
To develop on lastpassreportingcli:

# The following commands require pipenv as a dependency

# To lint the project

# To execute the testing

# To create a graph of the package and dependency tree

# To build a package of the project under the directory "dist/"

# To see the package version

# To bump semantic versioning [--major|--minor|--patch]
_CI/scripts/ --major|--minor|--patch

# To upload the project to a pypi repo if user and password are properly provided

# To build the documentation of the project

To use lastpassreportingcli:

lastpass-report --help
usage: lastpass-report [-h] [--log-config LOGGER_CONFIG] [--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
                       [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--mfa MFA]
                       [--warning-whitelist WARNING_WHITELIST]
                       {report,export} ...

A tool to report on state of secret rotation based on a cutoff day, by default the incident of lastpass day.

positional arguments:
  {report,export}       Supported functions for this program.
    report              Arguments for reporting on the current state of secret rotation.
    export              Arguments for export all secret rotation state for processing.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The location of the logging config json file
  --log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}, -L {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        Provide the log level. Defaults to info.
  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
                        The username of the user we are connecting to lastpass as. Environment variable
                        "LASTPASS_USERNAME" can be set. If environment variable is not set and argument not provided
                        value will be interactively requested by the user.
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        The password of the user we are connecting to lastpass as. Environment variable
                        "LASTPASS_PASSWORD" can be set. If environment variable is not set and argument not provided
                        value will be interactively requested by the user.
  --mfa MFA, -m MFA     The MFA of the user we are connecting to lastpass as. Environment variable "LASTPASS_MFA"
                        can be set. If environment variable is not set and argument not provided value will be
                        interactively requested by the user.
                        A comma delimited list of secret IDs that will be disregarded from the reports. Environment
                        variable "LASTPASS_WARNING_WHITELIST" can be set.
lastpass-report report --help
usage: lastpass-report report [-h] [--report-on {all,personal,shared}] [--sort-on {name,percentage}]
                              [--reverse-sort] [--details] [--filter-folders FILTER_FOLDERS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --report-on {all,personal,shared}, -r {all,personal,shared}
                        Which categories of secrets to report on, personal, shared or all. Default is all.
                        Environment variable "LASTPASS_REPORT_ON" can be used to set this.
  --sort-on {name,percentage}, -s {name,percentage}
                        Sorts the report data based on either folder name or percentage done.Defaults to folder
                        Environment variable "LASTPASS_SORT_ON" can be used to set this.
  --reverse-sort, -rs   Changes the sorting order on the key chosen.Environment variable "LASTPASS_SORT_REVERSE" can
                        be used to set this.
  --details, -d         Shows a detailed view of the folder report.Environment variable "LASTPASS_REPORT_DETAIL" can
                        be used to set this.
  --filter-folders FILTER_FOLDERS, -f FILTER_FOLDERS
                        Filters based on comma delimited folder names.Environment variable
                        "LASTPASS_REPORT_FILTER_FOLDERS" can be used to set this.
lastpass-report export --help
usage: lastpass-report export [-h] --filename FILENAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --filename FILENAME, -f FILENAME
                        The filename to export the secret status report on.Environment variable
                        "LASTPASS_EXPORT_FILENAME" can be used to set this.